October 2020 Agenda
Dear Councillor
Please note: due to the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation, the Parish Council will be using the following E-agenda; detail of items will be sent via email to councillors to enable some decision making and followed up with confirmation detail via Zoom meeting.
To Members of the Council: The e-agenda will be circulated to you with any relevant attachments and any comments received from the public.
The virtual meeting date Tuesday 20th October 2020 at 6-30 pm
Members of the Public and Press are invited to submit comments to the clerk via email
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
2. Apologies
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items
4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 14th July 2020 - circulated
5. SKDC Best Kept Village competition, village/hamlet category. - details circulated (update Clerk)
6. XPO Update - Copy email circulated - Update Clerk
7. Easton Defibrillator - Update Clerk
8. Highways Report - report circulated for Easton, Stoke and A1
9. Clerks Report
a. Bank Statement & Reconciliation - details circulated
b. Clerks payscale update - details circulated
c. Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019/20
d. Parish Website
e. Fly Tipping/Recycle Centre - details circulated (feedback Clerk)
10. Correspondence - circulated
a. Grantham Southern Relief Road phase 2- October 2020 Update
b. COVID Posters for communities
c. Admissions authorities/schools Policy Consultation
d. South Kesteven Local Plan Review - planning framework for the District up to 2041
11. Planning – Nil (planning lists circulated to councillors for information when received by the clerk)
12. Accounts for payment – Aug/Sept/Oct 2020
a. Clerks Salary/AL Pay Aug/Sept/Oct 2020 £713.90
b. Expenses. Aug/Sept/Oct 2020 £110.12
Total £824.02
13. AOB & Items for next agenda (January 2021)