January 2020 Agenda
Dear Councillor
You are hereby requested to attend Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 21st January 2020; 7-00 p.m. at Easton Walled Gardens.
1. Welcome Remarks Chairman
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declaration of interest
4. To approve minutes of meeting held on the 15/10/19
5. Clerks Report:-
a Bank reconciliation
b Precept 2020-21
c Stoke Rochford Defibrillator
d Easton Defibrillator
6. Potholes/Highways works log report
7. Blocked drains Stoke Rochford
8. Stoke Monument
9. Planning - Nil
10 . Correspondence
a Safeguarding Adults Review - Modern Day Slavery
b InvestSK - Discover South Kesteven Member News
c Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Service
d Grantham Southern Relief Road Phase 2 - November 19
11 Accounts for Payment/Expenses/Clerks Pay
12. AOB