October 2019 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby requested to attend Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 15th October 2019; 7-00 p.m. at Easton Walled Gardens.


1. Welcome Remarks - Chairman

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interest

4. To approve minutes of meeting held on the 17/07/19

5. Clerks Report:-

a Bank reconciliation

b Bank signatories

c Stoke Rochford Defibrillator & Easton Defibrillator

d Painting Stoke Rochford Phone box

e Post Box relocation

f Fly tipping

g Factory Odour

6. Blocked drains Stoke Rochford - Cllr Adams to feedback

7. Firework Displays Stoke Rochford Hall

8. Planning

Decision notice S19/0505 Easton Walled Gardens, The Square - Approval of details reserved by conditions

9 . Correspondence

a Recommendations for Highways 2020 contracts

b LCC Statement of Community Involvement 2019

c South Kesteven District Council Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications - Public Consultation

d Crowd fund SK

10 . Acc ounts for Payment/Expenses/Clerks Pay

11. AOB