July 2019 Agenda
Dear Councillor
You are hereby requested to attend Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 17th July 2019; 7-00 p.m. at Easton Walled Gardens.
1. Welcome Remarks - Chairman
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declaration of interest
4. To approve AMPC Minutes of meeting held on the 14/05/19
5. Clerks Report:-
a Bank reconciliation
b Bank signatories
c Stoke Rochford Defibrillator & Easton Defibrillator
d Painting Stoke Rochford Phone box
e Post Box relocation
f Village walkabout
g Factory Odour
6 . Clerks Contract
7 . Planning - Decision notice S19/0336 - Alterations and ex tensions of dwelling/shop
8 . Correspondence
a Public Rights of Way Grass Cutting
b Local Transport
c Temporary Traffic Restriction - Easton
d RAF Benevolent Fund - Help us get more RAF veterans on our radar
e Highways Job Report
f Call Connect Summer Promotion 2019
9. Accounts for Payment/Expenses
10. AOB
11. Retired Chairman Mr Robert Skelton - Recognition of service