May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council
Minutes of Stoke Rochford & Easton Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 

Date:  Wednesday 25th May 2022 

Venue:   Easton Walled Gardens 6-30 p.m.

Councillors present

Cllr Fred Cholmeley (voted in as Chairman at this meeting)
Cllr Neil McCorquodale (voted in as Vice Chairman at this meeting)
Cllr J. S. Nadin
Cllr Martin Thompson
Cllr George McCorquodale

District Cllr      Cllr Ben Green

Clerk & RFO      Mrs Emma Wilson

Open session

No parishioners were present.

1.  Chairman’s Welcome Remarks

The previous chair Cllr Fred Cholmeley welcomed to this the first face to face meeting in over a year and thanked everyone for attending the Annual Meeting of Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council.

2.  Apologies

Received from Cllr Chris Gait and Cllr William Graham; reasons for absence were noted & accepted. It was noted that both were keen to continue as parish councillors, Acceptance of Office & Disclosable Pecuniary Interests to be signed.

3.  Election of Chairman and declaration of acceptance of office

Cllr Neil McCorquodale nominated Cllr Fred Cholmeley as a candidate for Chairman, which was seconded by Cllr Sam Nadin. There were no other candidates. Cllr Cholmeley confirmed his standing, accepted the position. The motion was passed by resolution of the Council and the Chair duly completed and signed his declaration of acceptance of office.

4.  Election of Vice Chairman and declaration of acceptance of office

Cllr George McCorquodale nominated Cllr Neil McCorquodale as a candidate for Vice-Chairman, which was seconded by Cllr Martin Thompson. There were no other candidates. Cllr Neil McCorquodale confirmed his standing, and the motion was passed by resolution of the Council.  The Vice-Chair duly completed and signed his declaration of acceptance of office.  

5.  i  Acceptance of Office for councillors 

Acceptance of Office documents had previously been emailed out to members’ pre meeting. Those present completed and signed their AoO and the clerk then countersigned each. A copy will be delivered to Cllr Chris Gait and Cllr William Graham and signed by the clerk.

ii  Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 

DPI documents had been emailed out to members’ pre meeting. Documents were completed and signed by all those members present. A copy will be delivered to Cllr Martin Thompson. Record will be submitted to SKDC.

6.  Disclosure of interest in agenda items

Agenda item 11a Cllr Fred Cholmeley. Agenda item 11b Cllr George McCorquodale & Cllr Neil McCorquodale.

7.  To approve Minutes of zoom meeting held on the 18th January 2022

The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. They were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and signed by the Chairman.

8.  Clerks Report

a.  End of Year Finance Comparison 2020-22

Having been emailed round to all councillors prior to the meeting the clerk asked if all were happy with account summary and if anyone had any questions. No questions asked and all agreed they were happy. Clerk confirmed that these figures used for Annual Governance and Accountability Return and had been audited and agreed by internal auditor. The clerk went through the percentage differences to explain the notes further. End year on £5636.79. Add precept since 1st Apr £5000. Total as at today £10,636.79. Less payments to be authorised at this meeting of £1052.99 will leave bal. £9583.80.

b.  Website publishing support

Clerk initiated discussion about the and noted time taken, roughly 1-2 hrs a month but has been more setting up and reformatting all the old documents and transferring to the new site. Clerk highlighted that majority of parish councils are now paying for a support service for their clerks to cover this, many using Peter Langford who is approved and subcontracted through the LALC, Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils

The Parish Council can purchase 10 hours of work at a cost of £150 plus VAT, this is payable upfront but covers 2 yrs. The clerk asked the council to consider this and suggested it would be more efficient and timely as it currently takes a long time using their complex preparation for formatting and html conversion. It was discussed by the council and agreed as passed to go ahead with the LALC Website Maintenance Service and approved by resolution of the Council.

Action; Cheque to be issued for payment and clerk to engage services.

9.  Finance & Year End Audit - Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2021-22 - Clerk

a.    Certificate of Exemption

AGAR Page 3 of 6 - Was considered, agreed and signed by the Chairman and clerk to confirm the following: - Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council is a smaller authority where the higher of gross annual income or gross annual expenditure does not exceed £25,000 and meet the qualifying criteria as set out in the Certificate of Exemption. Confirmation that Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council is exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor. These documents must still be published on the parish council website. Agreed and signed by the Chairman subsequently by the clerk. 

b.    Confirmation Internal Audit Report completed– 23/05/22 (Page 4) 

Confirmation checked by Chairman that AGAR Page 4 of 6 had been signed and dated on 23rd May 2022 by Jackie Smith of Addelsee Smith, internal auditor. 

c.    Section 2 – Confirm Accounting Statement 2021/22 has been certified by Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk) - 24/05/22 (Page 6)

AGAR Page 6 of 6 Confirmation Accounting Statement 2020/22 checked by Chairman that had been certified and signed by RFO (Clerk) dated on 24th May 2022

d.    Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2020/22 – to consider and approve (Page 5)

AGAR Page 5 of 6 - Annual Governance Statement 2020/22 to be approved and signed by Chair & Clerk

i. Consider the findings of the review were considered by the members of the authority as a whole

ii. Annual Governance Statement was approved by resolution of the members of the meeting as a whole

iii. Annual Governance Statement was approved and signed by both Chair & Clerk today.

e.    Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2021/22 – to consider and approve (Page 6) 

AGAR Page 6 of 6 having been checked as signed by clerk - to be checked by members of meeting as a whole, approved then signed and dated by Chairman at this meeting and minute referenced

I.  Findings of the statement of accounts were considered by the members of the meeting as a whole

II.  Statement of accounts was approved the by resolution of the members of the meeting as a whole

III.  Statement of accounts was approved and signed by Chair at the meeting 25/05/22.

Action: Clerk to forward to publish on website Notice of Public Rights Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)

10.  Correspondence - circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.

a.  Brown signage EWG

b.  Improved safety measures on the A1

c.  National Grid-Work on overhead electricity line

d.  Easton Lane Bridge Site Location

e.  Grantham Southern Relief Road May 2022 Update

11.  Planning (circulated via email) – listed for record only

a.  Consultation S22/0148. Modifications to the existing courtyard storeroom to provide enhanced retail space. Location: Easton Walled Gardens, The Square, Easton, NG33 5AP – DoI Cllr F Cholmeley

b.  Consultation S21/2430. Conversion / restoration of barns to form 3(No.) dwellings.

Location: Park Farm, High Dyke, Stoke Rochford, Grantham, NG33 5BB– DoI Cllrs N & G McCorquodale

12.  Accounts paid – Feb & March 2022 (approved end Mar 2022 listed just for documentation)

a  Clerks Salary/AL Pay Feb & March 2022  £522.09  000428

b.  Expenses. Feb & March 2022  £147.15  000429

c.  Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils subs invoice for 2022/23  £75.31  000430

d.  Reimbursement of Easton contribution for Easton Village Defibrillator  £860.00  000431

Total  £1604.55  

13.  Accounts for payment – April & May 2022

a  Clerks Salary/AL Pay Apr & May 2022  £635.11  000432

b.  Expenses. Apr & May 2022  £119.70  000433

c.  Addelsee-Smith Limited (Internal Auditor)  £_60.00  000434

d.  ICO (Information Commissioners Office – GDPR)  £_40.00  000435

e.  Zurich Insurance 5yr agreement (previous cheque error no.436 destroyed)  £ 200.08  000437

f.  LALC Website Maintenance Service  £ 180.00  000438

Total  £1234.89  

14.  Next meeting Date, Location - Suggested to be confirmed Tues 30/08/22

15.  AOB 

a.  Comment – Cllr N McCorquodale asked for review on increasing clerks’ hourly rate, the Chair suggested to be discussed at the next meeting. Action: Clerk to add to next meeting agenda

b.  Comment – Cllr F Cholmely asked for clerk to check new laptop is covered on parish council insurance. Action: Clerk to check and amend insurance if necessary.

c.  Update from District Councillor Ben Green

1. Inflation has significantly impacted domestic heating oil’s cost, seeing a 100 per cent year-on-year rise and in theory making it a more valued target for criminals. At a recent Rural and Communities committee meeting, I asked Chief Inspector for North and South Kesteven, Phil Vickers, if he had seen an increase in its theft – reassuringly, he relayed this had not yet materialised, but that residents should remain vigilant. Often, theft that’s occurred over the summer is only detected once boilers start firing up again in the autumn. 
Expanding on the topic of rural crime, the Chief Inspector pointed to trailer and horse box theft, where stolen goods are often sold back to victims in a vicious circle, as a particular problem right now. Strong and secure access points can help deter.
2. Excitingly, SKDC has been provisionally allocated £3.9 million from the new UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the successor to the old EU regional funding model. This is second only to East Lindsey in terms of Lincolnshire district and city councils, so we are punching above our weight. All being well, it will begin to be spent on local improvements from October over a period of three years.

3. Untidy areas in the District can be reported to SKDC's Big Clean team here: 

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7-30 p.m.