October 2021 Minutes
Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council
Minutes of Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council Meeting
Date: Tuesday 5th October 2021
Venue: Easton Walled Gardens 6-30 p.m.
Councillors present
Cllr Neil McCorquodale (Vice Chair)
Cllr J. S. Nadin
Cllr Martin Thompson
Also present District Cllr David Bellamy (from item 9)
Clerk & RFO Mrs Emma Wilson
Open session
No parishioners were present.
1. Vice Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
The Vice Chair Cllr N McCorquodale welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending the meeting.
2. Apologies
Received from Chairman Cllr Fred Cholmeley, Cllr Christopher Gait, Cllr George McCorquodale & Cllr William Graham reasons for absence were noted & accepted. Apologies also from County & District Cllr Bob Adams
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items (received prior to meeting) – Item 10a. Declaration of interest from Cllr Neil McCorquodale & Cllr George McCorquodale received. Item 10b. Declaration of interest from Cllr F Cholmely received.
4. To approve Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 13th July 2021
The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. They were passed as approved by resolution of the Council & signed by the Vice Chairman.
5. Clerks Report
a. Laptop
Clerk confirmed purchased and all set up with files transferred. McAfee and Office 365 installed.
b. Bank Reconciliation- Circulated to all prior to the meeting
Bank recon & Balance on statement £8471.22 October outgoings £846.35 = £7624.87. Further income £463.32 due end October 2nd Comm Clean payment. Will be £8088.19
c. Online Banking
When looking in to the possibility of online banking (which majority of parish councils now do) and checking detail on current signatories it transpired that the current bank had not processed the Vice Chair as signatory which leaves just Chairman available to sign alongside the clerk.
Clerk has researched with other councils and it appears that most use Unity Trust Bank – She confirmed she had sent in an initial enquiry re this service to ask about the process of switching. This can be set up with pre approval on payments under a certain amount for the clerk to process, if larger would require sign off by additional councillor. It will involve logging in online by approved signatories to approve these. It was agreed this would require further information and discussion. Perhaps something to bring in for the next year maybe April onwards.
Action: Clerk to provide further information
6. Village Defibrillators
a. Stoke (update on defib checks) – Cllr N McCorquodale/Clerk
Cllr N McCorquodale has agreed with Martin Fagan from CHT that at the planned meeting/training session in Stoke Rochford on 23rd November 2021 at 7 pm that he will set up with Dom as the registered person to do the weekly checks and record results online with WebNos
Action: Cllr N McCorquodale will feedback at the next meeting.
b. Easton – Clerk/Chairman
The action for remainder purchase and installation was delayed due to change of priorities and COVID setbacks. There was discussion and it was agreed by resolution of the council that we could potentially pay the outstanding amount to enable the defibrillator at Easton to be installed. It was agreed that we would clarify and confirm this at the January meeting when Cllr F Cholmely would be in attendance.
Clarification will also be required regarding who would pay the Service/Governance annual fees of £135 at the Easton Site once it is up and running and who will do the weekly checks.
Action: Clerk to contact CHT and Rachel at EWG before the next meeting to get information re the outstanding amount.
7. Village Walkabout (potholes & road repairs) – Clerk
Clerk confirmed she had sent a further email direct to Rowan Smith as Cllr Adams has not been available to request repeat walkabout in both villages, last done 2019 and not available recently due to Covid.
Action: Clerk to follow up again and circulate response to co-ordinate with Chair & Vice Chair
8. Grit Bins (Summary emailed prior to meeting) - Clerk
Clerk confirmed she had sent further queries to Highways and copied them Mapp grid ref and photographs of locations to get resolved.
9. Correspondence - circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
a. Grantham Southern Relief Road September 2021 Update
10. Planning Applications & Decisions–Applications circulated and reviewed via email. Decisions listed for information only
a. Parish Council Consultation S21/1793
Demolition of 2(no.) existing semi-detached cottages and erection of 1 (no.) replacement dwelling. 1 & 2 Pasture Farm Cottages, Skillington Road, Stoke Rochford, Lincolnshire, NG33 5EH - Declaration of interest from Cllr Neil McCorquodale & Cllr George McCorquodale received. No other objections.
b. Parish Council Consultation S21/1579
Restoration works to 1km stretch of Cringle Brook (including excavation to create inset floodplains) to reinstate river process and improve biodiversity. Land On the East Side of Grantham Road, Skillington, Grantham, NG33 5AW - Declaration of interest from Cllr F Cholmely received. No other objections.
c. Decision notice S21/0414 - Approved
Change of use from dwelling to offices for golf club use. Location: Stoke Rochford Golf Course, Club House, Great North Road, Stoke Rochford NG33 5EW
d. Decision notice S21/0593 - Approved
Equestrian manege. Location: Rochford House Village Street, Stoke Rochford NG33 5EB
11. Accounts for payment – Aug/Sept/Oct 2021
a. Clerks Salary/AL Pay Aug/Sept/Oct 2021 £730.85 000424
b. Expenses. Aug/Sept/Oct 2021 £115.50 000425
Total £846.35
12. Next meeting Date, Location
Confirmed date for next meeting is Tuesday 18th January 2022 ay 6-30 pm, The Applestore, EWG
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7-05 p.m.