July 2021 Minutes
Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council
Minutes of Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council Meeting
Date: Tuesday 13th July 2021
Venue: Easton Walled Gardens 6-30 p.m.
Councillors present
Cllr Fred Cholmeley
Cllr Neil McCorquodale (attended Agenda Item 6 onward)
Cllr J. S. Nadin
Cllr Martin Thompson
Clerk & RFO Mrs Emma Wilson
Open session
No parishioners were present.
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
The chair welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending the meeting.
2. Apologies
Received from Cllr Christopher Gait, Cllr George McCorquodale & Cllr William Graham reasons for absence were noted & accepted.
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items – Nil
4. To approve Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 18th May 2021
The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. They were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and signed by the Chairman.
5. Clerks Report
a. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Clerk confirmed DPI’s submitted to SKDC
b. Notice Of Public Rights Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)
Clerk confirmed it was Published on website, date of announcement was 14th June. It runs from 16th June to 27th July, this states anyone has a right to request and inspect the AGAR, the accounting records and documentation relating to the financial year between these dates.
c. Bank Reconciliation - Circulated to all prior to the meeting
Balance on statement £9626.50, outstanding cheque yet to be presented for ICO of £40. Leaves £9586.50
d. Parish Laptop - to discuss purchase options
The clerk reminded the meeting that the reason for requiring to purchase a new laptop was that she previously shared use of one with another parish. As she no longer works for the additional parish this has been handed back to them, hence the need to purchase our own. Clerk had researched and then presented the meeting with possible options for purchase (details of which are held on file).
After discussion by all it was agreed by resolution of the council that they would purchase a Dell Inspiron 5000, in addition a package to cover Microsoft Office 365 alongside MacAfee. The clerk to purchase and is reimbursed.
Action: Clerk to purchase
6. Village Defibrillators
a. Stoke (update on defib checks) – Clerk
Just to remind all that at the last meeting it was decided as the person lined up to do the checks was no longer going to be an available, the clerk would get in touch with Martin Fagan at CHT to plan a meeting with him, Cllr N McCorquodale and the clerk. Unfortunately, Mr Fagan is now away until end of July and so the clerk will pick this up and report back progress at the next meeting. Hopefully the check up situation will be resolved by this time.
Action: Clerk to follow up and instigate plans with Cllr N McCorquodale for recruitment of person to do check-ups.
b. Easton – Clerk/Chairman
The action for remainder purchase and installation is delayed due to change of priorities and COVID setbacks. The Chair will update as and when Easton are in a position to move forward with set up which may be in the new year.
7. Highways – walkabout with Rowan Smith
Unfortunately, Cllr Adams was unable to attend the meeting. Cllr N McCorquodale reported there had been some progress with filling in the potholes which we are thankful for but still more require attention.
8. Grit Bins
An update from Cllr N McCorquodale to say 3 of the 4 are full at Stoke. Easton, out of the two LCC have replenished the one they had stated did not belong to them.
Action: Clerk to follow up again
9. Correspondence - circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
a. SKDC Best Kept Village 2021
b. Lincs Police letter from ACC Chris Davison.
c. Grantham Southern Relief Road July 2021 Update
d. The Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacons
Clerk had emailed full detail of this initiative for discussion, debate followed regarding participation locally within the parish.
LIGHTING BEACONS – Saturday 2nd June 2022 (beacons are lit at 9.15pm)
Further to the announcement from Buckingham Palace on 2nd June 2021, regarding the Platinum Jubilee Weekend of 2nd - 5th June next year, of which The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons is part. The beacon lighting event will take place throughout the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK Overseas Territories and for the first time, in each of the capital cities of the Commonwealth countries on the 2nd of June next year. Participation in keeping with the spirit of the event can of course be done as private affair. It was suggested that both villages perhaps plan a joint beacon/bonfire and discuss this again nearer the time next year.
10. Planning Decisions – listed for information only
a. Approved - S20/1805 Extensions and alterations to dwelling; Workshop Cottage Cringle Road, Stoke Rochford Lincolnshire NG33 5EF
b. Approved - S20/1804 Alterations to existing workshop building; Workshop Cottage Cringle Road, Stoke Rochford Lincolnshire NG33 5EF
11. Documented Accounts for approval & payment – June & July 2021
a. Clerks Salary/AL Pay June/July 2021 £546.81 000422
b. Expenses. June/July 2021 (include laptop & software costs £488.97) £568.47 000423
Total £1115.28
12. Next meeting Date, Location
Confirmed date for next meeting is Tuesday 5th October, under the gazebo or adjacent room at Easton
13. AOB
The Queen’s Green Canopy – Discussed briefly in the May meeting, reminder to add and discuss again at future meeting
Cllr N McCorquodale noted that he had been approached to be part of The Queen’s Green Canopy Committee. This is to encourage landowners, schools etc to go out and plant tress to celebrate the Queens Jubilee (plant a tree for the jubilee). This is a tree planting initiative encouraging us all to play a part to enhance our environment by planting trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.
They are attempting to find 70 people to each plant a 70-acre area of trees, which is obviously substantial. Parish Councils are asked to look at small areas within the parish that could be utilised for planting trees locally. Woodland Trust are supplying 3 million trees as saplings for schools to use for participation.
Volunteers will be required to do the planting, with Woodland Trust perhaps supplying the stakes and saplings.
Cllr N McCorquodale will be looking at areas within Stoke Rochford that may be available to use, as will Cllr F Cholmeley for Easton. They will report back with any more information this is discussed further at the October meeting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7-20 p.m.