July 2020 Minutes
Venue: Virtual Zoom meeting at 7pm.
Councillors present:
Cllr Fred Cholmeley – Chairman, Cllr Neil McCorquodale – Vice Chairman, Cllr Martin Thompson
Clerk and RFO: Mrs Emma Wilson
Due to the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation, the Parish Council had this meeting via Zoom; detail of some agenda items were sent via email to councillors to enable some background and pre-decision making and followed up with confirmation detail during this meeting.
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
The chair thanked those attending and welcomed all to our first virtual zoom parish council meeting.
2. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr J. S. Nadin, Cllr Christopher Gait, Cllr William Graham & Cllr George McCorquodale. Reasons for absence were noted and accepted.
3. Disclosure of interest in agenda items – Nil
4. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 21st January 2020
The draft minutes having been circulated prior to the meeting were agreed and proposed to be a true and accurate record. They were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and recorded as so at the meeting. The Chairman duly signed and dated his copy of the minutes; these would be collected by the clerk 15th July.
5. Easton Defibrillator - Update Clerk
Clerk has contacted Martin Fagan at Community Heartbeat Trust on 3 occasions and copied in Rachel at Easton Estates, sending copy of details from the Stoke Rochford defib package. Martin is now liaising directly with Rachel. Martin confirmed he would go through the quote to ensure that the correct package was ordered without charging again for the teaching session which we have already paid for through the Stoke Rochford defib invoice. Martin indicated that he should be able to get the Easton defib on order in the next 10 days, so we the clerk will follow this up before the next meeting.
Action; Clerk to email for status update from Rachel at Easton.
6. Highways Report - report circulated
There was a slight improvement on the quality of the repairs on potholes in Easton up to the main road and some potholes repairs also taken place Stoke Rochford. Any issues to please report on Fix My Street.
7. Clerks Report
a. End Year Accounts summary – circulated prior to meeting. The clerk went through the End Year Accounts summary which gives a comparison of this year’s spending against last year, there were no questions from the council, it is a self-explanatory document and the council are aware of all transactions throughout the year. These figures used for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The auditor has signed these off. Clerk agreed to highlight any unusual or larger than the norm expenses for comparison throughout the year on the bank reconciliations.
b. Ext Audit SPC Explanation Variances 2019_20 – circulated prior to meeting. Official variances to submit for external examination if required
c. SPC Asset Register 2019_20 – circulated prior to meeting. List of assets owned by the council, which is Nil confirmed as correct with the auditor.
d. SPC Bank Recon End Year 2019_20 & Statement – circulated prior to meeting. Signed off and agreed by the auditor. They were passed as approved by resolution of the Council and recorded as so at the meeting. The Chairman duly signed and dated his copy; this would be collected by the clerk 15th July
Opening Balance 1 April 2019: £3,764.61
Add: Receipts in the year: £6,953.84
Less: Payments in the year: £6,689.83
Closing balance at 31 March 2020: £4,028.62
8. Finance and Year End Audit - Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2019/20
Certificate of Exemption – circulated prior to meeting
AGAR Page 3 of 6 - Was considered, and recorded as agreed and will be signed by the Chairman and clerk later tomorrow to confirm the following:- Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council is a smaller authority where the higher of gross annual income or gross annual expenditure does not exceed £25,000 and meet the qualifying criteria as set out in the Certificate of Exemption. Confirmation that Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council is exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor. These documents must still be published on the parish council website. Action; Clerk to meet Chair tomorrow to sign off documents.
Confirmation Internal Audit Report completed– circulated prior to meeting
Confirmation checked by Chairman that AGAR Page 4 of 6 had been signed and dated on 16th June 2020 by Jackie Smith, internal auditor.
Section 2 – Confirm Accounting Statement 2019/20 has been signed & certified by Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk) – Page 6 – circulated prior to meeting
AGAR Page 6 of 6 Confirmation Accounting Statement 2019/20 checked by Chairman that had been certified and signed by RFO (Clerk) and dated on 1st July 2020
Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 – circulated prior to meeting
AGAR Page 5 of 6 - Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 to be approved and signed by Chair & Clerk
i. Consider the findings of the review were considered by the members of the authority as a whole
ii. Annual Governance Statement was approved by resolution of the members of the meeting as a whole
iii. Annual Governance Statement was approved and will be signed by both Chair & Clerk tomorrow.
Action; Clerk to meet Chair tomorrow to sign off documents.
Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2019/20 – revisit Page 6 – circulated prior to meeting
AGAR Page 6 of 6 having been checked as signed by clerk 1st July 2020 - was checked by members of meeting as a whole, approved then to be signed and dated by Chairman tomorrow and minute referenced
I. Findings of the statement of accounts were considered by the members of the meeting as a whole
II. Statement of accounts was approved the by resolution of the members of the meeting as a whole
III. Statement of accounts was approved and will be signed by Chair later today
Action; Clerk to meet Chair tomorrow to sign off documents.
9. Correspondence - circulated prior to the meeting.
Parish Update July 2020
Click/Book/Tip Flyer (Information about new booking system at the tip/recycle centre). This item led to a brief discussion about the rising problem of fly tipping in the area. Cllr Thompson asked if it would be possible to highlight the issue with County Councillor Bob Adams to enquire if he could help raise the profile of this problem locally and feedback that SPC consider that the current restrictions regarding size of trailer allowed at the local tip are perhaps having an impact on people being more inclined to ‘dump’ items rather than go to the trouble of trying to get permission to dispose of them through the correct channels. Action; Clerk to forward this action to ask Cllr Bob Adams for his support and input if possible.
Grantham Southern Relief Road update July – LCC
Bereavement Helpline
10. Planning – Nil (planning lists are circulated to all councillors for information when received by the clerk)
11. Documented Accounts paid – April/May (for information only, agreed and approved by email)
Apr & May 2020 Clerks Sal £432.29 000399
Clerk’s exp:- Apr & May 2020 £70.00 000400
ICO £40.00 000401
Zurich Insurance plc £200.79 000402
LALC £74.28 000403
Total £817.36
12. Accounts for payment – June/July 2020
Clerks Salary/AL Pay. June/July 2020 £445.11 000404
Clerk’s Exp.:- June/July 2020 £79.00 000405
Addelsee-Smith Limited (Auditor) £54.00 000406
Total £578.11
13. Items for next month’s agenda/AOB
Cllr N McCorquodale reported back on an action from Agenda Item 5b in the Jan minutes which was a request to review the condition of the bus shelter in Stoke Rochford. Cllr McCorquodale was happy to report that the shelter was actually in reasonably good condition and in fact had a tin roof and not wooden as previously thought. Some parts are slightly worse for wear but it is in fact weather proof.
Next Zoom meeting Tuesday 20th October 2020
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.40pm.