October 2018 Agenda
Dear Councillor
You are hereby requested to attend Stoke Rochford & Easton Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 30th October 2018; 7-00 p.m. at Easton Walled Gardens.
Open Session where members of the public can air their views on matters pertaining to the parish.
1. Chairman’s Welcome Remarks
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declaration of interest
4. XPO - Mr. John Edgoose
5. To approve Minutes of meeting held on the 17/07/18
6. Clerks Report:-
a Community Cleaner Grant
b Nat West; Statement of account, Bank reconciliation
c Stoke Rochford Defibrillator
d Easton Defibrillator
e Painting Stoke Rochford Phone box
7. Planning
S18/1321 XPO Update if available
S18/1396 Church Roof decision
8. Correspondence
a Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Fire Safety
b Community emergency planning
c Lalc News 166 Edition.
d Winter Self-Help and Mutual Aid - (to respond by 31/10/2018)
e Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – Consultation (No Changes for Easton or Stoke Rochford)
f Reporting Highways Issues
g Parish Agreement Highway Verge Cutting 2019 20 - (to respond by 31/12/2018)
h Dangerous parking obstruction B6403 - High Dyke and Burton Lane Easton (Case Ref ZA23250)
9. Accounts for payment/Expenses
10. AOB